Large numbers of kiteboarders , wakeboarders , windsurfers , swimmers and water sports enthusiasts suffer from ear problems associated with excessive exposure to the elements. Ear infections and the dreaded “surfers ear” is a condition on the rise with increasing numbers seeking medical attention and ear surgery.
SurfEars 3.0 is a revolutionary new product developed by a team of Swedish professional product designers and dedicated surfers.
SurfEars recognised that the critical difference between SurfEars and other earplug products is they not only protect ears from water, cold air, and contaminants but also maximise sound and subsequent balance, essential for most water and board sports.
Many of the earplugs on the market today block out sound, therefore large numbers of surfers choose to go without plugs. SurfEars was designed to keep the water out but also let the sound in, to enable users to stay connected to the environment.
SurfEars are designed with an acoustic mesh that can be found in high end audio applications, blocking out water and protecting the ear while allowing the maximum amount of sound to enter the ear canal. The mesh is connected to a plastic core designed to replicate the natural resonance frequency of the ear and boosting acoustic performance. Independent tests show that SurfEars have close to zero acoustic loss in the frequency range of human speech.
Surf Ears have been redesigned so you’ll be able to hear even better. Inverting the fixation between gel and core, we’ve managed to increase the area of the sound channel by 72%, while the triangular shape of the opening has increased surface area by 32%. The result is noticeably improved hearing.
Here's the improvements on the originals:
- Now comes with 4 ear gel sizes fitting a wider range of ear sizes
- Softer, more flexible wings for increased comfort and improved fit
- Improved water seal
- Increased life span
- Improved, minimal packaging with reduction in plastics
- Now comes in breathable, silicone case with magnetic closure

One Pair of SurfEars, pre assembled with medium gels, large wings and an adjustable leash